
Best Bra for Side Spillage - What Is the Most Comfortable Bra?
When buying a bra, it’s not just the position of the straps and the size of the cups that matter. There’s a lot more that goes…
How to Add Padding to A Swimsuit – The Most Useful Guide
Christine Steuber
Sep 12, 2020
Some women find the whole idea of adding pads to their swimsuits loathsome. But then there are some women who think it’s a brilliant way to…
How Long Does Back Waxing Last? (The Most Important Factors)
Christine Steuber
Aug 30, 2020
Waxing is no more a category reserved just for women. More and more men are now choosing the waxing method to get rid of hair. And…
How to Tighten Bra Straps and Why It’s So Important?
Christine Steuber
Aug 21, 2020
How to tighten bra straps that are too loose without sewing is simple enough. But you can’t tighten the straps of a bra without an adjustable…
Where Does the Fat Go When Corset Training? (All You Need to Know)
Christine Steuber
Aug 18, 2020
Do you know where the fat goes when corset training? It gets pushed in and flattened by the tightness of the fabric. Corsets are held together…
Best Lingerie for Pear Shape Body – The Most Important Factors
Christine Steuber
Aug 15, 2020
Reducing the shape of your body to fruit isn’t ideal, agreed. In that case, feel free to refer to your body shape as a triangle instead…
Nylon vs Polyester Leggings – Comparison You Need to Know
Christine Steuber
Aug 12, 2020
Back in the days, leggings were an item of clothing that women used to put on without giving much thought. But leggings are not the same…
The 10 Best Leggings For Thick Thighs in 2021
Christine Steuber
Aug 12, 2020
How do you style thick thighs in leggings? But before you get to that, you might want to know what is the best type of leggings…